With Father’s Day right around the corner, I thought I’d share a Father’s Day book and stacking stone gift idea! I tend to leave Father’s Day gifts for the last minute because I never know what to get. I’m so happy we’re ahead of the game this year with a memorable gift my husband will love!
Father’s Day Book
I love reading the adorable and hilarious answers kids write down on Father’s Day and Mother’s Day questionnaires. The answers come straight from the heart, with no filter!
This year, I decided to create one for my boys to fill out together! My two year old is way too young to do this activity on his own, so he helped out by answering a few of the questions. And remember, If your kids are too young to write, you can record the answers for them.
This book includes the following prompts:
- A spot to draw their dad
- All about my dad: name, age, height, eyes, hair
- My dad’s favorite things: food, drink, song, movie, book
- My dad always says:
- My favorite thing to do with my dad is:
- My dad rocks because:
I also included uncle and grandpa options as an alternative for Father’s Day or birthday gifts!
Here’s What you Need
This is How to Make the Book
This book is incredibly easy to make! Just cut out the rocks, stack them, and staple or tie the pages together with string. I love the color version because the book resembles stacking stones. If you need to save on ink, I also included a black and white option!
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Father’s Day Stacking Stone Craft
The book makes a nice gift on it’s own, but this stacking stone craft immediately popped into my head when I was creating this book!
All you need to do is stack them, wrap them in tissue paper, and tie with string! They make a great gift and decoration. Our stacking stones will be displayed on our bookcase in our living room.
Here’s What you Need
- Sharpie Paint Markers
- White Acrylic Paint
- Paint brushes
- Faber-Castle Artist Pens
- River rocks or these rocks from Amazon
Here’s How to Make the Stacking Stone Gift
- My two year old helped paint the rocks with the white acrylic paint. We let them dry for about an hour.
- I wrote the words “My Dad Rocks” with the Faber-Castle Artist Pens.
- My five year old helped me create the designs with the Sharpie Paint Markers.
I hope you give this Father’s Day book and craft a try! I promise your little nature lovers will love it as much as my boys.
∼ Tara
If you would like to learn more about this book and craft, check out this page!