Here is a simple fall leaf crown activity that you can do over and over again! With just a few supplies, you have a fun nature invitation that children will love and return to throughout the week- if not longer.
This is one of those activities that exceeded my expectations. It gives children the opportunity to learn, play, and create with nature all in one activity!
It’s simple, beautiful, engaging, and totally doable for young kids. Another great feature, the double sided tape makes it easy to peel off the leaves for endless leaf crown creations!
- Double sided tape
- Large roll of paper
- Markers– I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again-These markers are the BEST!
- Tape
- Leaves
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Here’s What We Did:
First I drew the faces on the paper. I searched simple face clip art pictures and literally copied it. I used the same face design for all three pictures but switched up the hairstyles to make them look different. I have zero artistic abilities and found this pretty easy! They aren’t perfect and guess what?! My kids didn’t mind one bit:)
Next I put the double sided tape across the foreheads. I put one piece of tape on each face, but I think next time I will add one more strip above that piece to make it a little thicker.
Take into consideration the eyes when placing your tape on the forehead. Make sure the tape is high enough so you don’t have stems dangling in the eyes.
Finally, choose a spot for your activity. We set ours up outdoors, but this could easily be an indoor activity as well. You will just need to collect your leaves before hand.
Now you’re ready for the fun!
I set this up when Leo was indoors so he was excited as we walked closer to the faces. He started naming them and commenting on how “cool” this looks! I told him he’ll make leaf crowns for them and he was soooo excited to get started.
We used a mixture of leaves from our beeswax leaf stash and also collected some fresh ones once we were outside.
I showed him how to press the leaves on the strip of double sided tape. This was great fine motor work! He had to press a little harder on the beeswax preserved leaves to get them to stick but they worked just fine and looked so beautiful! Their colors are really holding up and they didn’t curl at all, making them perfect for all of our fall leaf activities. I tested the beeswax leaves the night before trying this activity with my boys and they stuck to the paper overnight!
This during this activity we identified leaves, talked about leaf colors and sizes, and made leaf patterns! So many opportunities for learning!
I think the best part of this activity is that you can EASILY peel the leaves right off the double sided tape and start all over again! Leo started looking around the yard and grabbed some willow leaves to try for his second round of leaf crowns. And then looked for more leaves and did a third round.
He was busy with this for about thirty minutes and only went in because it was dinner time. We brought the paper inside and already have it taped to the wall for more leaf crown creations!
Pin this activity to save it for later!
I hope you give this simple fall activity a try! I promise, your little nature lovers will love it as much as my boys.