This simple nature walk activity for kids is so fun! Head outdoors with your kids and search for different colors and designs in nature. This is so fun and kids will love looking for different nature Easter egg pictures!
This activity is so easy to prep and will lead to hours of outdoor play and exploration for kids! You can make any cardboard frame to fit any learning theme or area of interest for your child. I added colors on the side our board to encourage a nature color scavenger hunt. My boys had fun moving around the cardboard frame to make different egg patterns and designs!
Ready to make one or two? Here’s what you’ll need….
- Cardboard– These cardboard sheets are a convenient option if you don’t have any to reuse.
- Exacto knife– This is the easiest way to cut cardboard. *For adult use only*
- Markers (optional)
- Nature!
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RELATED: Check out 25+ Nature-Inspired Summer Activities for Kids
Here’s How We Made This Nature Walk Activity:
Step 1:
First, cut out a shape. Since Easter is right around the corner, I cut out an oval shape to look like an egg. You could also try a bunny, butterfly or any other shape that sounds fun!
This step is difficult and should be done by an adult.
Save the egg cut out! You can use it to make an egg nature weaving board, poke holes in it and use it as a flower threading board, or just glue nature onto the egg!
Step 2:
Next, you can label your board or just keep it blank. I added colors to the side to encourage a little color scavenger hunt! This kept my boys out and exploring for a long time.
You could also list different types of nature to search for on the side. I think I’ll try that next time:)
My boys loved searching high and low for different colors and textures.
We also had fun identifying nature together. I like to use the app called Picture This to identify interesting plants and other pieces of nature.
We also learned that crocuses close up on cloudy days. I never noticed that before!
We had to see what a snowdrop egg would look like! This sweet flower is our favorite sign of spring. We will hold on to this egg frame and use it throughout the week. I can’t wait to see what other pretty flowers pop up before Easter!
Pin this activity to save it for later!
I hope you try this nature walk activity! I promise, your little nature lovers will love this activity as my boys.
Looking for more cardboard nature craft and activity ideas?! Check out:
Simple Dandelion Frame
A Beautiful Nature Frame